What We Do

Summits & Gatherings

Within the heart of every human soul, a new world is waiting to be born.

Are you ready to take a stand, make the decision and be committed to creating this new world?


Over the past 8 years of our international gatherings we have learned when people come together to heal, move beyond outdated beliefs, imagine and envision a new world, then anything and everything is possible. We gather in places around the world, to hold space for what is alive in us and wants to be expressed. By connecting through open and authentic dialogue the power of imagination comes alive, vision is born, commitment made and action taken for a future we know is possible.

We are inspired by those who join us, enabling healing and reconciliation, unlocking community capital, activating radical collaboration, co-creating a multiplying effect of soft power, wholesome development and amplifying impact in service to building a flourishing future.

The future is asking more of us than ever before; to be shape shifters as the world changes around us. This shift begins with shaping ourselves by acknowledging the feminine that has been missing; developing qualities and virtues that are pivotal for a new kind of leadership to create the new story.

The FemmeQ International Summits and gatherings are an opportunity to relinquish who the world told us we should be, to become who we truly are, to connect to what matters most, strengthen partnerships and create solidarity across diverse sectors. Together we illuminate the feminine as critical to create new life and our future. When the feminine principle is fully integrated, alongside the masculine, we are whole and complete, aligned with the energy and life force that animates all of life.

“The feminine principle, accessible to all, is marked by qualities attributed to the more gentle side of the human being—care, respect, trust, patience, loyalty, compassion and mercy. When this principle is understood and realised, it is a force so powerful that it awakens us to new realities and realigns us to the true purpose and meaning of life” ~ Gayatri Naraine

Consulting & Speaking

The pressures of daily life can challenge our ability to make decisions with integrity.

How will feminine intelligence catalyse transformation in your organisation?

Our diverse team of qualified educators, consultants and speakers bring both depth of experience and inspiration to stimulate dialogue, essential to reach common ground and move beyond traditional ways of thinking and acting.

We offer a comprehensive consultancy service tailored to purpose led organisations across diverse sectors who are seeking to foster inclusive environments and harness the collective intelligence of the people in their organisation.

Our approach centres on creating dynamic forums that facilitate open dialogue through deep listening practices, enabling all voices to be heard, people to be seen and valued for their unique contribution.

By actively engaging with the experiences and stories of individuals, we cultivate a space of authenticity and mutual understanding. Laying the groundwork for envisioning a compelling future and developing culture change mindset for the transformation of the organisation..

Our work with you provides a space for constructive discussion, and collaborative interaction among corporate leaders and their teams, social change agents and their constituents, and community leaders.

We elevate awareness of essential leadership qualities such as vulnerability, creativity, courage and trust. Qualities that build authentic and trusted leadership.

Training and Resources

Leaders of the future will lead from the core of their inner strength, follow their conscience and innate truth.

What might we discover if willing to imagine and apply new ways of being, thinking and acting?

The arrogant conquest over nature must be replaced with respect and care, to safeguard and cherish all planetary life of which we are a part.  Mother Earth’s voice has not been heard, alongside the feminine principle, her wisdom has been ignored, the feminine qualities marginalised, often discarded.

This is our time to honour and learn from Nature’s innate ability to flourish through the feminine principles of cycles, seasons and rhythm alongside the structure of the masculine, both are essential for growth.

A new intelligence is needed for the multiple crises we face. Embracing complexity, with a whole-brain intelligence allows for radically different values from those reflected in our current system of domination and hierarchy, logic and rationale, left brain over right.

Our approach is aimed at re-sourcing people to be catalysts for transformation. In our training programmes we elevate awareness of the social norms, mindsets, beliefs and patterns of behaviour that have brought about our demise and maintain the status quo. We have unconsciously adapted to survive a system that serves the few. Creating a shift in consciousness will require an integrated approach, blending science and spirituality, intellect and intuition, facts and feelings, imagination and realism. So much more is possible when we are willing to let go of the old for the birth of the new.

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